The Planetarium

Equinox was formed in April 2003 with the sole purpose of propagating the science of Astronomy.

‘EQUINOX’ portable planetarium is an inflatable dome capable of accommodating up to 100 children in the Giant Dome and 65 students in the standard dome. The Planetarium is installed within a mere 45 minutes in the School itself.

To visit the Equinox planetarium, each class forgoes a period and the rest of the school can function within the parameters of its routine.

There is very little doubt in the minds of anyone who steps into our planetarium, that it has a unique ability to draw everyone into a wonderful and magical world of astronomy.

EQUINOX planetarium includes everything needed to present educational interactive, exciting, and fun presentations that could be adapted to the National Curriculum of every grade level for subjects like Astronomy, Earth Sciences, Paleontology, Physical Science, Wild Life, Oceanography and Weather patterns. Inside the dome, a projector is not only able to show us the night sky devoid of any light pollution; Audience also sees brilliant, needle-sharp images and virtually become part of the action, being in the middle of the scene rather than merely below it. This is full Immersion, ‘THE FULL DOME TECHNOLOGY’.

The State-of-the-art Digital Planetarium Projection system uses latest Astronomy software’s and tools to project a life like and an all-around projection of 360 degrees view of Stars/ Planets / Moon / Galaxies/ Constellations.

The Planetarium is practically like a vehicle that can take you to any place in the universe; visitors fly through a virtual universe based on actual scientific data, each star and galaxy is accurately plotted and planets are 'wrapped' in real images. As the show progresses the sky changes slowly, the constellations of any season or any time of night can be seen. The planetarium sky, complete with the Milky Way, makes it seem as if you're really in space!

The Powerful Projection system can show realistic and detailed terrain imagery and topographic data for all the planets. It has the ability to show 3d models of irregular bodies such as asteroids or space crafts. The Planetarium is a unique educational tool, which helps comprehend as well as stirs the minds of the young towards Man’s final frontier of space. Accuracy and precision is the hallmark of the Planetarium. The presenter can set time and date to show objects in the correct locations/orientations for the time of the show and then pilot a seamless flight from our Earth around the solar system to other stars, and even outside of the Milky Way Galaxy.

View other galaxies in extensive 3d views and fly out to the edge of the visible universe, bringing in labels or markers as required, or speeding up or slowing down time to demonstrate the movement of objects such as annual motion, including retrograde planetary motion. Simulate celestial phenomena such as transits, eclipses, and meteor showers. Display orbits of the planets and moons. You can see the sky of any time place and can even travel back to the first Christmas, 2000 years ago, and find out what the famous star of Bethlehem might really have been!. . . and it's almost like waking up from a dream.